Shane Blomendahl
Welcome, I am the founder of sprayerguru.com. I have more than a decade of experience working with agriculture, industrial, and turf spray equipment. In my career, I have spent countless hours helping people identify the right sprayer, sprayer pump, sprayer nozzle, or just about any other sprayer component they need for their application.
I have designed sprayers for lawn, turf, ag, construction, de-icing, and tree spraying. I have tested different types of sprayer guns, pumps, and nozzles from many different manufacturers on my land. I use all this experience to provide detailed and helpful guides, diagrams, and tips to my readers.
From sprayer plumbing to troubleshooting, and just about everything in between. If you need answers regarding sprayers, spray nozzles, or other sprayer components, you have come to the right place.
“Wow, you really blow me away with how thorough and data packed your responses are, complete with videos, equipment, spray distances, psi/gpm relationships, etc. I cant thank you enough. You should be a professor in a college or tech school with your ability to convey information in a very useable understandable and ‘on point’ way.”
- Private Pesticide Safety Training
- Application Equipment and Calibration Certification
- Pest Control & Management