If your garden sprayer is not holding pressure, it can be frustrating and completely render your sprayer useless. The most common cause of this is an air leak of some kind. The good news is that...
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I keep seeing people claiming that this simple, homemade weed-killer recipe can kill weeds fast using everyday items from your kitchen. I thought it seemed too good to be true so I wanted to test it...
Lawn and garden sprayers are essential tools for maintaining healthy lawns and gardens. While these tools are pretty simple in design, they require proper usage to maximize their effectiveness and...
Avoiding Potentially Harmful Chemicals: Effective Pest Control Alternatives
Gardening is a rewarding hobby. Growing your own food is good for you physically and mentally. Dealing with weeds, insects, and other pests - not so much. Chemical solutions are available, and...
The constant 5940 in the formula for calculating Gallons Per Minute (GPM) is derived from the conversion factors needed to calculate the rate of liquid application in agricultural spraying. Here's a...
One of the questions that I get more than anything else is "What spray nozzle is most common?". When you aren't certain which one to use, it is understandable to think that the most common nozzle is...