What is the Most Common Sprayer Nozzle Used for Lawns?

One of the questions that I get more than anything else is “What spray nozzle is most common?”. When you aren’t certain which one to use, it is understandable to think that the most common nozzle is probably a good place to start. Unfortunately, this question is hard to answer. Not all sprayers are the same, and not all pesticides should be sprayed with the same type of nozzle.

Finding the right nozzle for your application is more important than finding out which nozzle is most common. There is no standard spray nozzle, there are just too many variables. Fortunately, I can get you pointed in the right direction and arm you with some helpful guidelines to allow you to select the proper nozzle for just about any type of lawn spraying application.

Why Are There So Many Different Nozzle Types?

There are many different nozzle types. The reason for this is that there are several applications and many spray nozzles have been designed for specific tasks. In another article, I describe the various nozzle types and explain what makes them different. A nozzle used on a larger boom sprayer won’t work for spraying trees, and a nozzle used for indoor pesticide applications won’t work for roadside spraying. So you can see that determining the most common nozzle is not as important as identifying what type will deliver the best results.

How Do I Know What Nozzle Type I Need?

Identifying the proper nozzle for your application involves reading the label on the pesticide you want to spray and considering the method needed to ensure the liquid finds its intended target. You also want to consider the nozzle brand. Not all manufacturers produce the same level of quality. A quality nozzle may be more expensive but they can provide you with more consistent results, not to mention they will last longer.

Let’s look at some different scenarios and find out what nozzle types are commonly used in those circumstances.

Most Common Nozzle for Hand Pump Sprayers and Backpack Sprayers

Most lawn sprayers, such as backpack sprayers and hand pump sprayers, come with an assortment of nozzles. These typically include some combination of flat fan nozzles, cone nozzles, or adjustable cone nozzles. These basic nozzle types serve various purposes. It is hard to say which one of these is used most often.

However, the shape of the nozzle is not the only consideration; nozzle sizes also vary. Many people use the nozzle that comes with the sprayer. Most manufacturers include red nozzles, which are 04 size, meaning they output 0.4 gallons per minute at 40 psi. Based on this, we can assume that the 04 size is probably the most common spray nozzle used for lawns and gardens because that is what comes with the sprayer.

Yet, just because it’s the most common doesn’t mean it’s the right nozzle for your needs. Choosing the correct nozzle requires identifying both the spray pattern and the nozzle size you need. You can learn more about nozzle sizes in this guide on sprayer nozzle numbers.

Technically, you can use any nozzle size however, a nozzle that is too small and your job will take you a long time. Use a nozzle too large and you will be wasting product, money, and could harm plants.

Most Common Nozzle on a Spot Sprayer

If you have a 12-volt pump sprayer for larger lawns and fields, you probably need a nozzle a bit larger and more versatile than what we find on hand pump sprayers. Both flat fan and cone nozzles can be used with these sprayers. Cone nozzles allow you to cover a single plant or area with a showerhead or cone-style pattern, dispersing and covering more surface area at once.

One versatile option for spot sprayers and lawn sprayers is an adjustable nozzle. This type can be adjusted to spray a solid stream or a wider cone pattern. This makes it ideal for spraying small trees, reaching distant plants, and quickly adjusting the spray pattern as needed. Do note, that adjusting the spray pattern also changes the amount of liquid that passes through the nozzle. This will change your application rate when broadcast spraying assuming you maintain the same walking pace and delivery method with your spray wand.

Adjustable Spray Nozzle Demo

For more information on broadcast spraying and how your application rate is affected by different nozzles, check out this article comparing spot spraying and broadcast spraying.

While I don’t have data confirming that adjustable nozzles are the most commonly used for lawns, their versatility makes them a great option for various tasks. If you’re spraying by hand with a spray wand, an adjustable nozzle is an excellent choice.

I use these adjustable nozzles, the poly/plastic work well, but the brass nozzles off a more consistent pattern and last longer.

Most Common Nozzles For A Boom Sprayer?

If you have a boom sprayer, you won’t want to use an adjustable nozzle. Boom sprayers typically need flat fan nozzles or flooding nozzles. However, even within these nozzle types, there is a wide range of specific sizes, spray angles, and droplet sizes.

So, it’s hard to say what the most common nozzle is when there are so many varieties. Each situation may require a different nozzle, and some pesticides require specific nozzles. Instead of looking at the most common nozzle, it’s more practical to determine the most effective nozzle for your specific spray application. 

The best starting point when choosing a spray nozzle is to read the label on the pesticides or fertilizers you want to apply. These labels not only provide application guidelines but if they specifically state to use a certain type of nozzle, it is required by law that you use that nozzle type.

Boom Sprayer Nozzle Types

Tapered flat fan spray nozzles are designed to overlap on a spray boom, providing even and consistent coverage. These nozzles are by far the most common type used on boom sprayers.

Within this family of nozzles, there are different sizes, flow rates, and droplet sizes. Tapered flat fan nozzles follow international standards that classify nozzle sizes by color, making it easy to identify the size regardless of brand.

Nozzle capacity or size is only one way they differ; droplet size is another. As pressure increases, droplet size decreases. Some nozzles generally produce coarser droplets, while others consistently produce finer droplets. Larger droplets reduce drift, while finer droplets cover surfaces better but are more susceptible to wind drift.

RELATED: Nozzle Droplet Size Guide

Most Common Nozzle Brand

I mentioned earlier that not all brands of spray nozzle are created equal. So it is important to ask “What is the most common nozzle brand?”. After all, if it is popular there is probably good reason for that. Popular nozzles likely have better longevity, consistency, and overall performance. In order to find out the most popular brand I conducted a survey. I asked my website visitors what brand of spray nozzle they used. After a few months, the results were conclusive, with 62% of respondents saying they used Teejet sprayer nozzles. 

This is not a surprise as Teejet is one of the largest spray nozzle manufacturers in the world, and they are compatible with about any sprayer type. If you want to try a different nozzle on your sprayer you may be interested in this guide that shows you how different nozzles connect to just about any sprayer. You can also watch this video that shows how to adapt Teejet nozzles to a sprayer.

Video on Adapting Teejet Nozzles to Your Sprayer:


There isn’t a single nozzle that can be deemed the most common or best since every application is different, and various types are used. However, flat fan nozzles are the most common type used on boom sprayers, despite the variations within this category. For spot sprayers, hand pump sprayers, or backpack sprayers, cone nozzles or adjustable cone nozzles are very common.

Shane Blomendahl

I have more than a decade of experience using, building, studying, and testing sprayers in several applications. With the knowledge I have gained I want to provide straight forward and detailed answers for DIY homeowners, farmers, and commercial turf and tree care pros.

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